Orchestral Scoring and Production for $400

In Arrangements By Namadeus

Orchestral Scoring and Production for $400

Award Winning classically trained Pianist and Producer with Experience in Film Scoring and Advertising for large German and International Brands

Orchestral Productions | Live Piano | Live Strings

Typical Pricing:

$450 for the first minute of produced music and $350 for every subsequent minute. This doesn't include any live-recorded instruments, this can be arranged for a price of $250-300 per instrument. All prices include Mixing and Mastering

If you're looking for someone to handle the ropes of an important production project, source the right musicians, deliver quick layouts, masters, cut-downs or stems in the right format, all while communicating effectively and reliably, then you've come to the right place.

With a strong formal background (15 years of music education, with 2 Masters degrees and an Artist-Diploma) and extensive experience in creating music for advertising and films, you'll find high-quality music that fits your brief and your needs.

I write music in almost any genre and also specialise in Audio Branding, creating music based on brand-attributes to enhance their recognition and image.

Working with me might look like this:

1. Mood Casting - Based upon your brief, I deliver a selection of mood tracks that give you an idea of the overall creative direction of the music.

2. Production Layout - Based upon a temp or mood track, I create a demo, either by myself of in collaboration with my vast network of vocalists, string players, beat-makers and other musicians.

3. Mixing & Mastering - The last stage before delivery involves mixing and mastering the track, delivered according to any broadcasting or web format required.

And lastly, if you require a voice-over artist, that can also be easily arranged!

  • Classical
  • Opera
  • Choral

Talimore Tales

Cinematic / Folk
  • Talimore Tales
  • BfR
  • Inspector Cat
  • The Ghats

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