Transcription of music and adaptation any song to guitar. for $20

In Transcription 100% Guarantee By Juan Cruz

Transcription of music and adaptation any song to guitar. for $20

Hello! Thanks for stopping by here!

Do you need to transcribe your songs to register them?

Or are you looking to know the notes of a piece, solo, melody or guitar or bass arrangement for pleasure or to practice?

I can help you. In a few days, depending on your needs, I can transcribe for you.

I make guitar transcriptions and music in general.

Guitar solos, bass lines, vocal melodies.

I provide you with the transcription in Sheet Music and Tablature (if they are string instruments), in PDF file and Guitar pro.

I can also help you make guitar, ukulele and bass adaptations and arrangements of any piece of music.

You can easily consult the prices. They may vary according to the complexity, duration, and number of instruments to be transcribed.

Thank you!


  • Jazz
  • Metal
  • Funk
  • Rock
  • World

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