Hand drawn artwork, album cover, badge, shirt design for $189

In Design In Album Artwork 100% Guarantee By Engel Solomon

Hand drawn artwork, album cover, badge, shirt design for $189

No, it's not another AI or Photoshop job with your band title over your band photo. I enjoy working with my hands and what I'm offering is original artwork. Please don't order before having a conversation with me, I'm not willing to do anything you ask.

My strongest techniques are graphics, handwritten texts, monochrome images and mixed media - I color handdrawn images in Photoshop. Naturally I tend to like shocking, frightening and doomy stuff, so take precaution. You can check my website at http://www.meatexz.com/engel and here's an album of CD artwork here - https://www.behance.net/gallery/77045565/CD-covers

If you like some of my artwork there you can actually buy rights to use that image, which is much easier for me.

  • Rock
  • Prog rock
  • Ambient
  • Rap