Backing Vocals for $140

In Backing Tracks By Pedro Cruz

Backing Vocals for $140

Backing vocal production, accurately harmonized, edited and 100% tuned up, delivered in as many channels as needed.
Recorded with SSL mic preamps, and various mic options to suite your project, from 44100 to 96000Hz and higher resolution, 24 bit, in noise free WAV or AIFF format bounced files.
Here are some of the recent songs I’ve worked with:

Zeo Muñoz - Lo más Toxico
Zeo Muñoz - Pa’ qué usted viene ahora
Marteen Franko - Tal Vez
Techy Fatule - Llórame

Can sing in Spanish or English.

  • Latin
  • Pop
  • Pop-Rock
  • World

Mi Cibaena

A song for EliaCim
  • Mi Cibaena
  • Various songs
  • Donde estás
  • Que habrá después de ti
  • Loco por ti
  • Estar contigo
  • Amor a Blanco y Negro
  • Seré

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