In Backing Tracks By KingTut


Do you need a high-quality backing track tailored exactly to your specifications? Whether you’re looking to replicate a classic tune or craft something entirely original, I provide professional backing track production with meticulous attention to detail.

Service Offerings:

Basic ($70): Single instrument track, perfect for solo rehearsals or simple accompaniments.
Standard ($100): Complete band setup featuring keys, bass, drums, guitar, and sound effects, ideal for full ensemble performances.
Premium ($150): For intricate compositions requiring advanced arrangements or full orchestral backing, tailored to complex musical pieces.
Customization Options:

Choose the key that fits your performance needs.
Opt for a faithful recreation of the original track, modify the existing structure, or commission a brand-new arrangement to make your performance stand out.

Ordering Process:

Contact me to discuss your track requirements and preferences.
We’ll fine-tune the details to ensure the backing track aligns perfectly with your artistic vision.
Receive your custom backing track, professionally produced to elevate your performance.
*Please note that prices may vary depending on the complexity of the requested song. Contact me before placing your order to discuss and receive a personalized quote.

  • Pop
  • Rock
  • Blues
  • Hip Hop
  • EDM

Sample 1

Smooth Romantic A Minor Backing Track
  • Sample 1
  • Sample 2
  • Sample 3

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