Premium Production of your rock/pop/country song for $450

In Song Production 100% Guarantee By Jack Galloway

Premium Production of your rock/pop/country song for $450

Nice to meet you :)

My name is Jack. I'm a remote music producer, songwriter and multi-instrumentalist.

I offer my clients an INEXPENSIVE and STREAMLINED song production service, which takes your song from how it's written, and turns it into an impressive, radio-ready production in as little as 7-14 days!

I specialise in pop, rock and country music, assisting bands and artists transform their songs from their infancy into premium-level songs, ready for release.

A basic demo (or even s a scratch track recorded on a smartphone) is all that's needed to kickstart the process. From there, we can schedule a call to discuss your song, your influences, your taste, and your vision for the track. The goal is to make things as easy for you as possible.

The process is incredibly straight forward, creating a seamless workflow between artist and producer, which can be distilled into 4 STEPS:

1) Artist sends lyrics/demo/ scratch recording to Jack. We schedule a time to discuss the direction of the song.

2) Jack starts the production process (to the artist's instruction) including full instrumentation and arrangements.

3) The artist records their lead vocal (and any other parts they wish to record themselves). If the artist needs help with recording remotely or sourcing a local studio, Jack will assist.

4) Jack edits the returned vocals from the artist, finishes production, and mixes/masters the track.

As long as you have a basic recording of your song (even just a voice memo) and you communicate your ideas well, your song can be easily built and tailored to your specific style.

Please get in contact for any questions regarding logistics / production details. I'm always happy to speak before starting a project :)

  • Country
  • Pop
  • Rock
  • Pop-Rock
  • Punk
  • Singer-Songwriter

You Make Me Feel

Pop-Country Song
  • You Make Me Feel
  • End Of This Road
  • One Night

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