Production and Song Writing/Development for $100

In Song Production 100% Guarantee By Matthew Langdon Music

Production and Song Writing/Development for $100

Got a voice note with a killer hook or a fully fleshed-out track that needs fine-tuning? No matter where you are in the creative process, I’m here to help bring your music to life. Whether you have just a rough idea or a nearly complete track, I can take it from there and craft it into a polished, professional masterpiece.

What I Offer:
- Voice Note to Final Track: Start with just a voice note or a basic idea, and I’ll build the track up from scratch. I can also record your vocals or recommend a talented vocalist to bring your vision to life.
- More Developed Tracks: If you already have a more developed track, I’ll work from your existing material to refine, enhance, and perfect it.

Gear & Studio:
- DAW: Logic Pro X for pristine, in-the-box mixing and production.
- Instruments: Live guitar, bass, piano, and drums for authentic, dynamic performances.

What You Get:
- Unlimited Tracks: Whether your project is a lush orchestral piece or a stripped-down acoustic track, I have the capability to handle an unlimited number of tracks to realise your vision.
- Revisions: Up to 7 revisions to ensure every detail of your project is perfect and aligns with your artistic goals.

1. Initial Consultation: We’ll discuss your musical vision, goals, and preferences to tailor a plan that suits your needs.
2. Pre-Production: I'll help you arrange and structure your tracks, ensuring everything is set for a smooth recording process.
3. Recording: Utilising live instruments and top-notch gear, I’ll record your music with precision and passion.
4. Mixing: With in-the-box mixing using Logic Pro X, I'll craft a polished, professional sound, balancing every element to perfection.
5. Revisions: After delivering the initial mix, we’ll work through up to 7 revisions to fine-tune the track and make sure it’s exactly what you envisioned.

Credits & Past Work:
I’ve had the pleasure of working with a diverse range of artists, from indie musicians to established bands, and my work has been featured in various media and streaming platforms. My experience and dedication to quality have earned me a reputation for delivering exceptional results.

Let’s make your music shine! Contact me today to get started and turn your ideas into a polished, professional track.

  • Pop
  • Pop-Rock
  • Rock
  • Folk
  • Country
  • Rap

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I produced and mixed this track from a voice note.
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