song production for $300

In Song Production 100% Guarantee By troypiano

song production for $300

Backing instrumental tracks, arrangements. Mix, master. Flesh out beginning songwriter ideas or help with projects already at a more advanced stage.

Lowest cost custom sample for your project that Airgigs will allow me to provide, please see more below. I think it's more effective for you to hear what I can actually do than for me to give you an exhaustive list of stuff.

In order to flesh something out I need something in the first place to work with, like a guitar/vocal, piano/vocal, or even just a vocal. Or a melodic line if it's an instrumental. Or SOMETHING to start with.

I listen to the song and hear what it is telling me that it wants. On your side, some hint as to styles or influences you are trying to get to will help a lot. Or I can make my best guess and see if where I would go with it is in the same ballpark as where you want it to land.

For initial work with new people, I can provide a custom sample for $1. I would make it free but the site won't let me. I can work a bit on your project and then provide a free rough mix to you that has beeps or mutes in it every few seconds. That way you can hear if what I do would serve you, and I don't have to worry about my work and time just being stolen (ask me how I know). I see it as a win-win.

  • Americana
  • Country
  • Jazz
  • Rock
  • Singer-Songwriter

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