I will write and or rap a verse for your song for $20

In Rap Artists By The Ace

I will write and or rap a verse for your song for $20

In purchasing this product you are acknowledging and accepting that there is only 3 revisions to the verse or hook I provide and the reason that it is only 20$ is because I am NOT mixing the verse. You are purchasing the RAW vocals over a beat you provide me. This is a cheaper and in my opinion better alternative to the other people who are crazily charging 150$ for their mediocre stuff! (Note: a hook would be around 30-45 seconds and a verse would be anywhere from 30 seconds up to a minute) Upon purchase you are also acknowledging and accepting that there isn't a refund!

  • Hip Hop

The Ace - No No No

Another song I made.

  • The Ace - No No No

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