Professional MASTERING Service for $100

In Mastering By OPTINERVEAR Studio

Professional MASTERING Service for $100

What is mastering?
Mastering is the last stage in the process of putting a track (or release) out, adding the final polish to ensure that it sounds the best that it can in all possible playback situations and making sure that it fits together seamlessly so the sound doesn’t vary from track to track.

Accurately preserving dynamics and micro-dynamics of your audio material, we'll find the best way to give impact, space, clarity and punch to your final product!
Avoiding blunted, squashed, restricted, constricted, distorted, fuzzy and mushy sound, typical of an overcompressed master.
In according with your requests and taste, we'll reach the best goal for you and for the best listening experience!
Creation of professional -RedBook compatible- DDP file for CD duplication.

  • Electronic
  • Rap
  • Trap
  • Trance
  • Hip Hop
  • EDM

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