Audio Mastering With Intention for $75

In Mastering 100% Guarantee By Commonwealth Mastering

Audio Mastering With Intention for $75

I'm Austin Gordon, and I run Commonwealth Mastering, a dedicated, fully independent mastering studio. Our reason to be here is simple – to give back what the gift of sound has given to us. Your work is our work, and that means that whatever it takes to make it sound like you want it to, we will do.

Mastering is the combination of science and art. It’s hearing something for the first time and being authoritative, creative, and yet objective about where it should or could go. It’s feeling, it’s envisioning, and it’s impulsive – often all at once. Without skilled mastering, there is a disconnect between the artist’s intention and the listener’s experience. Less philosophically speaking, it’s not only about making the audio in question sound as great as it possibly can, on as many mediums as it possibly can, but also about ensuring that it will deliver an exceptional experience for both the listener and creator alike in perpetuity.

Why am I the right person for the job? If you can name a role within the music industry, I’ve probably done it – singer-songwriter, frontman, bassist, recording and mixing engineer, music publication writer, booking, and box office manager, to name a few. In the time of all those roles, I found my passion for mastering and have worked incredibly hard to combine all of that experience and knowledge with my philosophy of service & community. I believe my approach will lend itself to you succeeding in finishing your best work, as well as finding a creative confidant and helping hand as you grow your career and make incredible music.

If you put the people first, everything else will follow.

Thanks for reading. Let's create a partnership.

  • Singer-Songwriter
  • Soul
  • Rock
  • Folk
  • Country
  • Americana

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