Mixing and mastering for your song for $16

In Mastering By Terrence Burton

Mixing and mastering for your song for $16

A variety of compressors, equalizers, limiters, etc. available to ensure maximum quality of sound. Mixing and mastering for any kind of song.
In the mixing department there is editing for the instrument lines to fix any note out of tune or out of tempo if needed. As well as many effects (distortions, delays, reverbs, tuners, vocoders, etc.)

  • Pop
  • Electronic
  • Ambient

Mix 1 not mastered

Not yet mastered
  • Mix 1 not mastered
  • Mix 1 MASTERED
  • Mix 2 MASTERED
  • Mix 2 not mastered
  • Mix 3 MASTERED
  • Mix 3 not mastered
  • Mix 4 MASTERED
  • Mix 4 not mastered

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