Mastering for $75

In Mastering 100% Guarantee By Bradley O'Neal

Mastering for $75

First we start "in the box" and get the track properly EQed using a combination of equalizers from SSL and Izotope. We also add stereo width and a multipressor to get great tonal balance. Then the track is run through our ART Pro VLA Tube compressor and the Neve 542 tape emulator to add some analog warmth and saturation. Last we run trough our Izotope limiting chain to get your track radio ready. We can also match masters from any song ever recorded. If you have a song that you absolutely love the final master of, we have the software to match that master exactly. We master everything to industry standard making it impossible for media platforms to alter the track in anyway once released.

  • Hip Hop
  • Rock
  • Country
  • Jazz
  • EDM
  • Pop

The River Man

  • The River Man
  • Spiral Beauty
  • SupaNova

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