Remote Rock Mixing - Send me your multi-tracks, Ill send back banging mixes. Rock is my specialty. for $300
Hi. I'm a rock mixer.
My client list includes Guided By Voices, Built to Spill, Screamfeeder, Fred Armisen, The Men, Dope Body, Upper Wilds, many many more.
I work out of my own studio in Brooklyn, NY, Serious Business Music. If you are not in New York, I'm available to work remotely with anyone anywhere in the world.
For a remote mixing project, I ask the artist to give me as much input as possible into how they want their mixes to sound via phone/zoom calls, emails, shared playlists, etc. I'll then do initial versions of one or two songs and share with the artist so we can workshop some revisions and get a good model for the whole project. I communicate often throughout the process. Sometimes I nail it right away, sometimes we have to work through more revisions to find the unique sound.
I work mainly in Pro Tools but use a lot of outboard analog gear and tape machines to get tones that kick ass. My aesthetic is punky, rocking, loud, aggressive and my client list speaks volumes.
I'm very sensitive to the song and to the excitement of unique band dynamics. I often interact with bands like a temporary de facto member, always trying to elevate their unique vision to its peak.
The rate is typically $350/song. Currently doing $300/song for this platform.
If you think need you help with editing your multi-tracks, or choosing takes, etc just let me know and I'll be there for you.
- Rock
- Hard Rock
- Punk
- Metal
- Pop-Rock
- Country
Guided by Voices: Pockets
from 2023 LP La La Land
- Guided by Voices: Pockets
- The Men: Hard Livin'
- Built to Spill: On the Way
- Dope Body: Goon Line

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