Audio Recording and Production per song for $200

In Mixing In Audio Editing 100% Guarantee By Lenny

Audio Recording and Production per song for $200

Multiple track recording available. Keyboard parts can be recorded, including piano from classically trained pianist. Most instruments can be added to your production, including drum programming. Midi arrangements available. Multiple hardware synths (Korg, Roland, Yamaha), VST's including Native Instruments. Digital processing including PlugIn Alliance. Hardware processing including Avalon, Focusrite, RME. Check out my sound in the Sample area if it suits your taste.

  • Hard Rock
  • Pop
  • Metal
  • Prog rock
  • Punk
  • World

Counterparty Risk

Synth/Gtr Heavy Prog Rock
  • Counterparty Risk
  • Damascus
  • Expanded Present

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