Mix Engineer for $300

In Mixing In Audio Editing By MISTRNICK

Mix Engineer for $300

Hi, I’m MISTRNICK! I am offering a complete mixdown service for your composition. I will use my skills and experience to balance all of the elements —vocals, instruments, and effects— of your track to create a polished and professional-sounding mix.

I work in a hybrid studio which gives me the best of both worlds — the technicality and convenience of digital with a heart of analog! The combination of Logic Pro and outboard compressors, EQs, and preamps allows me to create a mix that is both technically sound and musically pleasing.

Deliverables can be either stems and/or a single two-track file in WAV format. Stems are audio tracks of instrument or vocal groups. This gives you flexibility in the future in case you want to remix or rearrange your track. A two-track file is a single stereo file that contains the entire mix. This is the format that is typically used for distribution and streaming.

If you’re looking for a high-quality mixdown service, feel free to get in touch! I would love to jump onto a video call to discuss your specific needs and learn more about your composition.

  • Pop
  • Rap
  • R&B
  • Electronic
  • Metal
  • Singer-Songwriter

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