Mixing & Mastering for $300

In Mixing In Audio Editing By Enrico Piano

Mixing & Mastering for $300

With a passion for precision and a commitment to delivering top-notch sound, I operate exclusively in the digital realm using Logic Pro X. Let me give you a glimpse into what sets my services apart.

Studio and Gear:
Immerse yourself in a world of digital excellence as I harness the power of Logic Pro X to craft and sculpt audio to perfection. My in-the-box (ITB) setup ensures a seamless workflow, utilizing cutting-edge digital tools for a precise and polished sound. While I may not tread the analog path, rest assured, my digital arsenal is equipped to meet the demands of the most discerning ears.

Credentials and Past Work:
Embark on a sonic journey with confidence, knowing that I bring a wealth of experience to the table. You can find my work under two distinct projects: "KIKO DE BIDDA" and "TEMPI MODERNI," both available on Spotify. Every note, mix, and master within these artistic ventures bears my signature touch, a testament to my dedication to sonic excellence.

Service Details:
Unveil the potential of your music with my mixing and mastering service, priced at $300. This comprehensive package includes three revisions, ensuring that your vision is not only met but exceeded. I believe in transparency and collaboration, providing you with unlimited stems to guarantee that every element of your composition is precisely tailored to your liking.

As we embark on this creative journey together, my process is geared towards collaboration and communication. Share your vision, and I will meticulously craft a mix that elevates your music to new heights. The initial delivery comes with the opportunity for three revisions, allowing us to fine-tune until perfection is achieved. With unlimited stems, the possibilities are boundless – ensuring your unique sound is captured and refined with unparalleled precision.

In conclusion, whether you're a solo artist, band, or content creator, my digital expertise and commitment to sonic excellence make me the ideal collaborator for your audio needs. Let's transform your musical aspirations into a finely tuned reality.

  • EDM
  • Rap
  • Trap
  • Reggae
  • Pop

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