One song professionally Mixed & Mastered with Vocal processing for $350

In Mixing In Audio Editing By Malachi Mott

One song professionally Mixed & Mastered with Vocal processing for $350

Need your song to sound like it belongs on the radio? I can help make it sounds like $1M.

I know what it's like to work on a song and not know how to get it to come out of the speakers sounding like my favorite songs. That's why I've dedicated a significant amount of hours to learning what it takes to bridge that gap.

If you share with me some commercial songs that you like (for reference) I can polish up your sounds and then beef them up so that they are as huge, full and punchy as those songs. I will do my best to keep your intentions intact and change a little as possible. My goal is to let your vision shine!

I dot all of the i's and cross all the t's so that every sound really tickles your ears in a good way. Your vocals will be smooth and clean, your drums will be punchy and your instruments will be full bodied.

Body Talk

RnB/Pop song I produced and mixed.
  • Body Talk
  • Onward
  • Fireflies
  • Bout to blow

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