Mixing Full Song for $200

In Mixing In Audio Editing 100% Guarantee By Bradley O'Neal

Mixing Full Song for $200

Here in the Attic we run Pro Tools and Logic Pro so you can choose what DAW is best for you. You can send us the track outs (Stems) or send over the whole session. If you don't use those DAW's thats OK! just send Stems in the form of WAV files and you will get a professionally mixed, radio ready song every time. We use a combination of outboard gear and plugins to get you the best sounding song possible. Just check out our website in our bio to see a list of our outboard gear. We mostly use UAD and SSL for our "in the box" plugins. Guitar re-amping and drum replacement is included in our mixing fee, so don't worry if you feel like your recordings arn't up to par. Also, any audio that needs to be edited is included in the mixing price. Removing background noise, tuning vocals and removing dead space in tracks is also included. At the end of the mixing process you will receive an uncompressed WAV file that will be ready to move on the the mastering phase.

Top of the World

  • Top of the World
  • Get Out
  • Crossed My Mind
  • Gun Play

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