Audio Engineer/Mix & Master service - in depth & thorough for $20

In Mixing In Audio Editing 100% Guarantee By x.cole

Audio Engineer/Mix & Master service - in depth & thorough for $20

I will be referencing your track against a similar main stream track in my home studio via studio monitors, headphones and Bluetooth/car speakers to provide the best mix. I will tune & process your vocals/instruments, correct timing issues and extensive EQ, saturation and compression. Then I will maximize its potential and loudness on the master track.

You can provide a reference track or I will find one appropriate. Up to 6 revisions. Allow up to 10 days for delivery.

  • Hip Hop
  • Electronic
  • Pop
  • Rock
  • EDM
  • Soul

Love me

Single I produced, mixed and mastered
  • Love me
  • Antithesis
  • Save me, Break me Out

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