Technical Support: From Beginner to Pro for $150

In Consultations By Stefan Konstantopoulos

Technical Support: From Beginner to Pro for $150

When DIY recording artists encounter strange technical issues in their home studio, need help organizing a project or can’t get the big sound they want, they have essentially 3 options:

1. Ignore the issues and hope for the best.

2. Spend weeks or months watching generic how-to videos.

3. Hire an experienced professional who can quickly assess the situation and offer truly personalized solutions.

What about you? Do you value your time? Do you deserve more than a generic sound? Are you already invested in building a sustainable career in music?

Along with my production work, I regularly get to test new studio tools, write reviews and tutorials for companies,answer questions in online workshops and mentor local engineers. I have offered technical consulting to artists around the world for years and I am here for you.

I draw from a wealth of real experience, offering current advice and resources for navigating the new music business.

Hoping for the best is not a business plan. Book a consulting session with me today and I will help you start moving toward your goals with confidence.

  • Pop
  • Rock
  • Singer-Songwriter
  • Country
  • EDM
  • Americana

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