A list of top 10,000 spotify playlists for $50

In Music Promotion 100% Guarantee By Killer X Music

A list of top 10,000 spotify playlists for $50

Total rows of playlists: 9989
Genre: All genres

Top 10 rows demo: (CHECK BEFORE BUY)

This is Killer X. I am a ghost producer, meanwhile working for an artist MGMT agency based in London.

What I am sharing with you in my gigs, are some secrets within the music industry.

Every week, the agency hire a web crawler company to crawl through hundred thousands of Spotify playlists worldwide.

They rank all playlists by follower count. By analyzing the stats, we get to know the MOST trending genres in the market, the top-performing (and worst) record labels in the industry.

By downloading this list, you CAN:

1. Get to know the most trending genres in the industry at this moment.
2. Find the top-performing record labels related to your genre.
3. Find the curators of playlists related to your genre.

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