Bass Player Funk, Slap, Synth, Rock, Blues, Jazz and MORE *Native Instrument Sounds Available for Keyboard Bass* *48 hour return time MAX** for $75

In Bass 100% Guarantee By Matt Jones

Bass Player Funk, Slap, Synth, Rock, Blues, Jazz and MORE *Native Instrument Sounds Available for Keyboard Bass* *48 hour return time MAX** for $75

My bass set up is
Cali76Comp- DoDSynth- HXStomp- Aguilar Svt- Aguilar ToneHammer- SSL+ 4k

I have been playing bass for over 20 years and I have been working as a studio bass player for the past 10 years. I have a background of Gospel and Blues, but focused on being able to play any genre. I spent the last year traveling around Europe recording and paying while learning as many different styles as possible. I will do 2 re-tracks maybe another if its something since you would like added after hearing what I did. I will return tracks within 48 hours. I also have the all of the Native Instrument seriously and can play key bass of a specific sound is desired. I have recorded for over 500 recordings professionally. All bass tracks and sounds come quantized, mixed, and compressed. I also send all takes I recorded if wanted so there are multiple editing options if you want the whole session for FREE. I will send whole session in .zip files. I also have the options to send any type of specific amp sound by using my HXStomp. I mainly use an Ampeq SVT as my amp.

  • Blues
  • Funk
  • Hip Hop
  • Rock
  • Pop
  • Jazz
  • Gospel


This is a jam I did on a zoom jam with some buddies one from Boston and one in Italy
  • Tappy
  • I Love You

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