Bass guitar track for your song for $80

In Bass 100% Guarantee By Yotam Ronen

Bass guitar track for your song for $80

HI! I would love to play on your song, and would love to support your vision on this piece, and future pieces. I bring over 15 years of pro experience in multiple genres, and love nothing more than to help a track GROOVE. Here's what I'm working with:

Fender CIJ P-Bass
Fender CIJ Fretless Bass
Union Tube & Transistor Lab Compressor
Jam Pedals LucyDreamer Bass
SansAmp Bass VT
Quilter Bass Block 800
Phil Jones Bass C4 Cab
Shure Beta 52a
Evo 8 audio interface
Mackbook Pro
Daw: Reaper.

Plenty of plugins and digital options to make your bass track the best it can be!

  • Rock
  • Pop
  • Funk
  • Neo soul
  • Soul
  • Folk

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