Give Me Bass Work for $25
Looking for new projects to keep the brain and the fingers limbered and fresh. I'm willing to write and/or record a bass part for up to a 3 min song of any genre. Anything over 3 mins will be $10/min extra. If you need a transcription or a video or anything, we can discuss that.
I will send two files from me; one with the DI of the bass recording, one with the usual dressing I do for my own tracks.
Main instruments include a 4-string Fender Jazz Bass and a 6-string Carvin Icon; I also have 5-String Ibanez SR Fretless, but it is unfortunately out of commission as of now. I use a Focusrite Scarlet Solo interface, Reaper as my DAW, and I use Neural DSP's Archetype Plini X plugins to get my tones.
SoundCloud has a bunch of random demos, YouTube is full of me just trying stuff for fun, linked Spotify album is from a Pop-Rock band I played in back in the early 2010s.
- Rock
- Metal
- Funk
- Blues
- R&B
- Country
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