Professional Drum Recording for your songs for $40

In Drums 100% Guarantee By Emiliano Bourlot

Professional Drum Recording for your songs for $40

I will record my drums session using a dedicated custom sound for your song and I will send you individual tracks.
you can listen in the following link:

Let me know what kind of sound do you searching for, I will choose from a wide range of Kick, Snare and Toms and I will give you the best drum's sound for your song for a High Quality mixing in your Post Editing process.

I have my own studio and I record on up to 10 individual channels.
Top quality microphone. Shure, Senheinser, AUdio Technica, AKG, etc.

  • Funk
  • Blues
  • Country
  • Pop-Rock
  • Folk
  • Punk


Drum session
  • Rock
  • Country music

8 Reviews