Drums for your track for $75

In Drums 100% Guarantee By Mike Neilson

Drums for your track for $75

Pleased to meet you. I'm Mike, a drummer from the UK. I have toured, recorded and sessioned most of my adult life. I have over 10 million plays across all streaming platforms with my drums on. I have all pro equipment and a home recording studio and I'm an endorsed artist for Code Drum Heads and London Drumstick Co. My preferred style is rock but I also enjoy laying down drums to funk as well and I'm happy to consider other genres.

You can listen to a couple of tracks I'm playing on via my showreel here - https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1KlDcot0BQvFI9P9pBVIAkdhHNL112Suf

Alternatively you can view a music video of me here - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3HCBE4DUqSU&pp=ygUUbm8gZml0IHN0YXRlIHRyb3VibGU%3D

Please send me your demo and any notes about how you would like the drums to sound.

  • Rock
  • Funk
  • Pop-Rock
  • Hard Rock

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