In Brass, Woodwind 100% Guarantee By Sabrina Pugliese


I am an Argentinian based orchestral/studio professional bassoonist with 20 years of experience in classical music, ensemble and solo performance. I also have experience in other styles, from rock to blues, and pop music. Currently I'm working in Mar del Plata´s Symphony Orchestra and in a classical ensemble in Argentina. And I would like to work with you as well! I can produce high-quality recordings of bassoon tracks for you. Bassoon will give your song the stand-out quality you've been looking for! The bassoon has one of the most complex sounds that can provide you with a range of characters from quirky bass lines to dark.
Don't let your music be all samples. If you need to record a bassoon on your video tracks, call me!
Looking forward to talking about your project!

You can see my channel in youtube:

Sabrina Pugliese joined the Municipal Symphony Orchestra of Mar del Plata in November 2010 as Associate Principal Bassoon. Born in BA, she attended the High School of Music Manuel de Falla, where she studied with Ariel Di Leo and Will Genz. She also attended classes with Alberto Merenzon for 10 years.As an active player on the Argentinian musical scene, Ms. Pugliese has appeared with ensembles such as the Orchestra of Argentinian Air Force, Avellaneda´s Symphony Orchestra, and Ushuaia´s International Orchestra.Before joining the Mar del Plata´s Symphonyc Orchestra, Ms. Pugliese also played second bassoon in the Juventus Opera Orchestra and Balyrica. As a chamber player, she has performed with many ensembles such us, Contra viento y madera, Vientosur, Trio al Segno in classical, popular, and 20th-century works for mixed ensembles.

  • Classical
  • Musical theatre
  • Pop
  • Ambient
  • Opera
  • Latin

Concierto para fagot y orquesta A minor - Vivaldi


  • Concierto para fagot y orquesta A minor - Vivaldi
  • Pierné - Solo de concert - bassoon and piano

2 Reviews