KEN STRINGFELLOW THE POSIES, BIG STAR, R.E.M. -- plays keyboards on your song for $200

In Piano, Keys, Synth By Ken Stringfellow

KEN STRINGFELLOW THE POSIES, BIG STAR, R.E.M. -- plays keyboards on your song for $200

Even before my first band the Posies formed in 1988, I was playing keys in bands starting at age 12. Since then I've played keys extensively -- live and on album with R.E.M., Neil Young, Mercury Rev, Patti Smith... to name but a handful. I can play old school -- piano, organ, Wurlitzer, Rhodes; I can do synths as modern or as vintage as you need. For the price I will play as many as three distinct parts in a song.

  • Americana
  • Pop-Rock
  • Rock
  • Ambient
  • Soul
  • Electronic

R.E.M. -- Everybody Hurts (Glastonbury Festival 1999)


  • R.E.M. -- Everybody Hurts (Glastonbury Festival 1999)
  • R.E.M. -- Rockville ( live Dublin 2005)
  • Bastien Baker -- Not In Your Town
  • The Posies -- Accidental Architecture
  • R.E.M. -- I'll Take the Rain

9 Reviews