Vocals For Your Project for $75

In Vocals In Vocals (Female) 100% Guarantee By Zipper

Vocals For Your Project for $75

$75 per three minutes of vocals on one track. Additional $5 per minute of vocals after first three minutes of vocals on one track. Included in the service are up to two revisions, up to two edits, up to two takes. Format in *.mp3 format unless otherwise specified. Delivered via email unless otherwise specified.

Singer based in Denver. Lead singer in a local funk/soul/R&B band based in Denver, Colorado, U.S. Just starting out my career, so not really many credits.

Home studio, professional mic, Garage Band, MacBook Pro, Focusrite 4i4

  • Blues
  • Funk
  • Soul
  • Rock
  • R&B
  • Country

I Never Loved A Man

  • I Never Loved A Man

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