Professional, Unique, Warm, Powerful, Haunting Lead & Back Vocal Recordings on your songs for $250

In Vocals In Vocals (Female) By STARSE3D

Professional, Unique, Warm, Powerful, Haunting Lead & Back Vocal Recordings on your songs for $250

Looking for unique, powerful vocal recordings on your songs?

My name is Valerie Bachand and I am a professional singer, songwriter, guitarist and producer. I write, record and produce all of my music in STARSE3D. I've worked on a variety of different genres as well as with numerous musicians all over the world throughout the years. If you are searching for a unique, powerful, versatile and stand-out tone, I deliver professional quality and can really make your songs come to life. Dedication and passion to my work is really important to me. I've worked in the industry on genres including rock, metal, alternative, and more. I am dedicated and bring my passion, work and creativity to every single project. My cover of "Jolene" was featured on Dolly Parton's Heartstrings Netflix series as well as NBC News. Furthermore, STARSE3D has reached thousands of fans through all social media platforms.

PLEASE NOTE: The price depends on the length of a song, whether it is already written, etc, so If you are looking for me to write lyrics or create a melody in addition to recording, this will incur a songwriting fee.

This gig is for a professional, industry ready vocal only. I can write lyrics and melodies for an extra fee. I can add harmony/backing vocals for an added fee as well.

Please communicate EXACTLY what you are looking for in the song prior to me beginning to work. This includes song length, whether the song is already written, and how many tracks you need (lead, double, backing, harmonies, etc) which will all help determine the price.

Vocals are recorded through a Shure Sm7B microphone through focusrite scarlet solo interface into Logic Pro X.

OPTIONS (Prices based on a 3-4 minute song; price for tracks with a longer/ shorter duration will be adjusted accordingly):

1. Lead vocal of your existing melody & lyrics:
$250 — Lead Vocal

2. Create and record melody for your song: $250

3. Create and record lyrics for your song: $175

3. Backing vocals and harmonies (only) of existing melody and lyrics (Up to 3 tracks total): $75

You will receive the dry vocal + vocal with effects (reverb/delay etc.) as a WAV & mp3 file.

*Please note*
- Songwriting services (melody/lyrics modification/creative input) are available upon request for an additional fee depending on the service.
-Because of the amount of work involved, there will be an additional fee for each revision requested.

  • Pop-Rock
  • Rock
  • Folk
  • Hard Rock
  • Metal


Written, recorded, produced by Valerie Bachand of STARSE3D
  • Echoes

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