Acoustic Guitar and Vocals - Brazilian Portuguese and English - for your tracks for $80

In Vocals In Vocals (Male) 100% Guarantee By Lucas Carvalho

Acoustic Guitar and Vocals - Brazilian Portuguese and English - for your tracks for $80

Because I am a starter, my setup is still being built. I mainly worked as a Voice and Guitar musician in Portugal and Brazil, over the last 3 years. I have an electric-acoustic guitar - DiGeorgio - and a dynamic mic - Sontronics Solo - that I use on my gigs and at some bars and restaurants. I know how to deal with basic stuff on Audacity and FLStudio.

  • Folk
  • Neo soul
  • Pop-Rock
  • Reggae
  • Rock
  • World

Oso Blanco

  • Oso Blanco
  • House of The Rising Sun
  • Tribalistas
  • Comfortably Numb
  • Vander Lee
  • Vander Lee
  • Enjoy the Silence

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