SPANISH native / ENGLISH no native VOCALS for Songs or Anything for $200

In Vocals In Vocals (Male) By Martin Fërler

SPANISH native / ENGLISH no native VOCALS for Songs or Anything for $200

Macbookpro 2015 13"
Logic X (waves plugins, iZotope, fabfilter, etc..)
Audient EVO 8
Microphone Condenser sE Electronics SE2200
Speakers: Yamaha Hs5

I do many tracks I need for the best result.
I offer 3 final revisions, edition is included if it needs.

  • Pop
  • Funk
  • Soul
  • R&B

Cuantas Veces

Lyrics, Music, production and Vocals by Me
  • Cuantas Veces
  • Mil Razones

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