Great vocals and Harmonies... just listen and Judge for yourself for $150

In Vocals In Vocals (Female) 100% Guarantee By Debra Thomas Cox

Great vocals and Harmonies... just listen and Judge for yourself for $150

Deb Thomas here!... been a professional singer my whole life. Currently living outside of Nashville, I've sung on thousands of sessions, from records to demos, jingles to voice overs - Sandals Resorts to NBC, Coke to Pepsi...gutsy to sultry, soft to hard rock... I even have my voice on singing dolls around the country so, the chances are you have heard my voice SOMEWHERE!

this offer is 1 song, 4 min max, lead (doubled on chorus if needed) 3 bgv parts, (also doubled) Generally, I just do what sounds best, even if it's more than you need... you can't MUTE it if you don't HAVE IT!

I smile

I did ALL the female vocals...

  • I smile
  • Jingle Demo
  • Fun stuff I've done

19 Reviews