Songwriter Without A Voice: The Wrisumer
With this project I wanted to showcase a variety of genres. I did this to show my range as a songwriter. The title of this EP is my spin on the fact I can't sing. The initials spell out S.W.A.V.(suave). Although I can't sing I can use my words in such a way to get your interest. And "The Wrisumer," (ree-zoom-er) is a combination of "writer" and "consumer." I chose to do this because I wanted to make songs that the consumer can enjoy but writers can respect and bridge that gap with my lyricism and creativity. The cover art kind of displays that as well with the ears because you're listening to it from a writer's perspective or a consumer's perspective. Hence The symbolism of the pencil/pen and the radio/speakers/headphones.
- R&B
- Pop
- Folk
- Funk
- Techno
Apple tree
Knowing your valuable no matter who tries to break you down
- Apple tree
- Not a big fan
- On guard
- Butt Burp
- Out
- Gotta run