High Quality Guitar Track for $175
I'm offering the opportunity to gain a unique and professionally executed guitar part on your song. My background in jazz and performance studies has prepared me to become a chameleon of sorts- whatever you're shooting for in your song, I can find a way to make the guitar come to life. I'm offering the opportunity to actively collaborate and be more than a random paid musician on your track or album. I have a variety of instruments I use including a 1962 fender custom shop strat, a modified gibson les paul, a taylor 814c, ibanez "hot rod" electric guitar, and a vintage ESP classic series. I'm plugging into a fender 4x10 deville and an array of pedals. I offer one revision to really nail down what you expect in a song and a consultation to get your vision together.
- Jazz
- Blues
- Country
- Rock
- Pop
- Hip Hop
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