Professional guitar parts for $100

In Guitar 100% Guarantee By Davidof

Professional guitar parts for $100


My name is David, i'm studying Music in University in Belgium, more specific, guitar.

When i'm not playing guitar, i make backing tracks and karaoke tracks. I'm also playing Bass and key's to make my own track. I learned to work with Logic Pro X/9 and i have Native Instruments installed. Right now i'm still experimenting and learning how to mix my songs.

I played in several bands on quite some Belgian Festivals.

I learned (and am still learning) to produce songs in Logic Pro 9 and X, i want to make as much songs as possible, i'm also starting a youtube channel with backing tracks and karaoke tracks.

My gear:

-Gibson SG Standard
-Fender USA Telecaster 2005
-G&L Legacy custom (worth 2000$) (G&L is a company started by Leo FENDER so this is really a great Fender strat if not better)
-Hudson western electro-acoustic guitar (steelstring)
-Yamaha Spanish/classical guitar (Nylon strings)
-Fender Hot Rod Deluxe 40
-Epiphone G400
-Epiphone prophecy SG (EMG pickups)

-Fender Jazz Bass
-ATK Bass guitar (no fender but really this bass records very nice, i can borrow a Fender Jazz bass or fretless from a fellow student if you insist.

-Logic Pro 9
-Logic Pro X
-I have Native Instruments installed, with Abbey road drummer, and all other nice stuff ;)
-Scarlett 2i2 audio interface
-M-Audio Studio monitors
-M-Audio Midi Keyboard (5 octaves)
-Shure SM7 (dynamical vocal mic)
-Samson C03 (condenser mic) for extra acoustic guitar frequencies

Guitar effects: Digitech Whammy, Crybaby, Visual sound open road, Fulltone fulldrive, mxr phase 90, Boss DD3 (delay), Reverb pedals, Morley deluxe distortion, Maxon od808.

Check my youtube channel for some tracks i made a while ago:
I improved this one because of the bass issue (and they wanted another key and i put lyrics on it) :

Soundcloud (here you can find some tasks i made for school)

If you have any other questions/requirements just ask!

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