Pro Guitar Recording Electric, acoustic or bass for $100

In Guitar By Adrian Mendoza

Pro Guitar Recording Electric, acoustic or bass for $100

I will meticulously craft guitar parts to make the sound you have in your head a reality. Contact me and I'll be happy to help you!

$100 per song, no limit on amount of tracks. Includes 3 revisions. (If doing both guitars and bass, there’s an extra $50 fee added)

Will record from my pro-equipped studio in Los Angeles, California. Gear includes multiple Gibson acoustic and electric guitars, multiple Fender electrics and basses, nylon acoustic guitar, ukulele and charango, boutique analog pedals as well as digital modellers, Neumann microphone, UA preamp and Apogee interface.

I’m a professional musician based in Los Angeles, California with a bachelor’s degree in music and a specialization in music production. I have over 10 years of experience with a discography gathering more than 14 million streams and including award-nominated albums and singles featured in shows by Amazon Prime Video and press articles by Billboard and Univision.

  • Pop
  • Rock
  • R&B
  • Singer-Songwriter
  • Soul
  • Folk

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