Guitar Tracking For Demos, Commercial or Albums for $180

In Guitar By Simon Lai

Guitar Tracking For Demos, Commercial or Albums for $180

Hi there,

Am available to do guitar tracking, whether if its for demos, or commercial work or for albums, will be happy to assist and serve as much as i can in this department.

All of my recordings are done here at my home Studio, i have gears both digital and analog for guitar tones, as my work revolves around the instrument itself, whats required to serve you in whatever tracks you need to get done.

As i am based in singapore, i have done quite a number of work around this region in asia, from tracking guitars for commercial purposes such as OSTs for dramas, to songwriting and recordings for local tv series, to my own band's commercial release of songs that we have done. On top of that, i am also sessioning for mando artistes in asia for their tours around the world.

As for details to how many tracks, revisions, edits. usually for tracks it will depend on the song, thus prior to recording i always think its best that we have a video chat or communication regarding it. But the standard will apply for these recordings. as for revisions, it will be 3 revisions. other than that, we can solidify things through our calls and go forth from there.

i look forward to serve you guys the best i can. cheers and thank you for reading this post!

  • Pop
  • Hard Rock
  • Funk
  • Metal
  • Pop-Rock
  • Neo soul

Your Calling

AL4HA, Song Written by me, Guitar Arrangement and Recording by me at my Home Studio, this project was a for a local drama series as the OST for the drama.
  • Your Calling
  • Lost and Found
  • Promise
  • 注定 Destined
  • 幸福呢 Where Is Happiness?
  • Apocalpyse Inoculation

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