Pedal Steel Guitar, Lap Steel Guitar, Dobro for $50

In Guitar 100% Guarantee By Ryan “Rydog” Olson

Pedal Steel Guitar, Lap Steel Guitar, Dobro for $50

Are you looking for something to brighten a record or create an atmosphere? My tone is distinct, packs a punch, and is unique. As a utility pedal steel guitar player for an up-and-coming recording artist, I am familiar with many musical styles, and certainly one that will fit your needs.

Feel free to reach out for more information on what I can do for you. At this time, I only have enough time to do one revision of my work. You receive: three copies of your track, a bang for your buck, and a player you can call on to be a friend!

Gear includes 1974 ShoBud Pro II, 1973 MSA Sidekick, Rogue Lap Steel, Gretch Resonator, Boss Katana Mk II, and your choice of effects.

  • Americana
  • Bluegrass
  • Country
  • Folk
  • Pop
  • Singer-Songwriter

ShoBud Pro II Noodlin'

Brief demonstration of my ShoBud Pro II.
  • ShoBud Pro II Noodlin'
  • MSA Sidekick Noodlin'

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