Songwriting Lyrics for $150

In Songwriters 100% Guarantee By Song Writing

Songwriting Lyrics for $150

Struggling with Writer's Block?
Need Lyrics: Songwriters, musicians, and rappers in need of lyrics for your next hit song.
Expert Songwriting: Professional expertise in crafting perfect verses, choruses, bridges, and outros.
Custom Solutions:
Complete rewrites of existing songs.
Creation of brand-new songs from scratch.
Quick Assistance: Ready to help you quickly and efficiently.
All Genres: Proficient in all musical genres.
Senior Technologist:
Passion for music production and songwriting.
Studied music and mixing at top studios in Miami, Florida.
Get Started: Provide a song topic, genre, story, or unfinished lyrics, and let's create something great together!

  • Pop-Rock
  • Pop
  • Country
  • EDM
  • Punk
  • Rock


  • Addicted

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