Lyrics by a professional lyricist for $290

In Songwriters By Tereza Thea Podzimková

Lyrics by a professional lyricist for $290

Do you have ideas but don't know how to turn them into great music lyrics? With rhymes, metaphors, phrasing and all that?
Then let's make it together! I am a professional lyricist who has helped bands and singers with their lyrics (mostly in genres pop, rock, folk, but I am open to all styles), and has a degree in Songwriting from a Conservatory.

How does our cooperation work?
– You provide as much info about what the song should be about, pictures, feelings, phrases, story... anything, really. The more stuff I have to work with the more inspiration comes.
– I'll blend in with your style and create based on your needs and wishes, with my professional experience and judgement added.
– Then I immerse into writing, either with or without music. I am used to fitting words exactly to melodies, so send me the music if you have it!
– You'll get the final result, and then you can use your 3 revisions. But I will do my best to make it right on the first attempt! :)

  • Pop
  • Pop-Rock
  • Rock
  • Folk
  • Singer-Songwriter
  • R&B

Sample metaphors

Check YT video to see my work for bands
  • Sample metaphors

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