I will write the entire lyrics for your song for $100

In Songwriters By eSoreni

I will write the entire lyrics for your song for $100

Contact eSoreni before purchase.
No vulgarity or sexual singing or lyrics, please.

I can write just a few powerful words or create a story for your song.

I will write you 2 verses, 1 chorus, 1 bridge and even lyrics for the back vocals (if required).

If you need vocal melody to be included, please request custom offer as this gig doesn't offer that.

No singing. Only lyrics.

We can review the lyrics as we progress but note any modifications requires revisions. Please be specific as to what you hope to achieve in your song.
What will be the message?
Is it a love story?
Is it for a company achievement?

Please contact me before ordering with project details.

Inside of Me/You Could've Told me Demo

Marco Sartori (ft. eSoreni) - Lyrics by eSoreni
  • Inside of Me/You Could've Told me Demo
  • 6 song demo
  • 3 song demo

15 Reviews