Lyrics for a Song for $330

In Songwriters By Safiya

Lyrics for a Song for $330


I have written over 100 songs over 10 years, and I am comfortable working both as a top liner, and creating lyrics and melody from scratch.

I'm happy to work on most genres of music, but I generally specialize in Alt/Punk-Rock.

I offer 3 free revisions, and would be happy to sing on the track for an added fee, depending on how much I sing.

These are my general services:

$330 (lyrics only)
$1,630 (lyrics + instruments/chords)
$3,300 (lyrics + instruments + vocals)

I would generally need about 5 - 7 days for turnaround, however I may need more time in case of any revisions and if other services are required.

Would love to collaborate and create some cool music!

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