Song lyrics available for purchase Send me the genre, vibe, and any extra incorporations and Ill make it for $75

In Songwriters 100% Guarantee By Peter Stankiewicz

Song lyrics available for purchase Send me the genre, vibe, and any extra incorporations and Ill make it for $75

I have been writing lyrics, poetry, books, and other forms of literature since I could understand the connection it had for people. Considering I have been creating music for over 8 years, I have a deep connection with it. It had helped me when I was in the dumps and kept me at my highest for my entire life. I would love to write lyrics for anyone that seeks my services. I'm not picky, and I don't judge. Everyone has a connection to something, and I would love to help connect YOU with music through my lyrics! I can do every genre and every feel. I can do 3 revisions, and if you don't like it after that, I will refund you.

  • Country
  • Metal
  • R&B
  • Pop
  • Punk
  • Hard Rock

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