Professional Toplines - Lyrics, Melody, Tuned Vocals for $200

In Songwriters By Jackie Yule

Professional Toplines - Lyrics, Melody, Tuned Vocals for $200

Here is a testimonial from Kris Bradley, owner of BoomFox Productions: "John (Jackie) brings a unique ability, talent, and flair to his skillful toplines, quality vocal recording and meticulous vocal production. He is not only reliable and fast but always enthusiastic, dependable, and professional - an absolute gem! I fully recommend John for his exceptional talent and his complete professionalism as a topliner and vocalist."

I am currently a topline creator with BoomFox productions. Refer to the audio file for a sample reel of previous work I've completed. I can write the material as specific or as general as you'd like - I'm always inspired to write! My service includes written topline with one lead vocal track, two harmonies, and ad libs. All vocals tuned and aligned. I will also create a wet demo in addition to the dry stems. 1 revision included. I use Logic as my DAW and Melodyne 5 Studio to tune vocals.

  • Pop
  • Pop-Rock
  • R&B
  • Country
  • Rock

Toplines Sample Reel

This a sample reel of toplines I've created for BoomFox Productions. I am the writer and singer. I edited all vocals.
  • Toplines Sample Reel

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