I will write a pop, indie or r&b song for you + demo for $200

In Songwriters By sandy

I will write a pop, indie or r&b song for you + demo for $200


I will provide you with original lyrics and melody writing to a beat of your choosing. You can provide me with any ideas you may have and/or topics you'd like for me to write about.

I specialize in pop, pop trap, indie pop, indie and r&b music. I also have 4 years of songwriting experience. I will be providing my own songs as references to my songwriting abilities and to see if you would like to work with me :)

In this service, there are two revisions included. This song will include two verses, one chorus, and one bridge. For additional verses, please message me. I will also provide a demo of the song.

  • Pop
  • Pop-Rock
  • R&B

you'll always have me

  • you'll always have me
  • leave me

2 Reviews