I will ghostwrite song lyrics for you, Hip Hop, R&B, alternative for $150

In Songwriters By Zazpacho

I will ghostwrite song lyrics for you, Hip Hop, R&B, alternative for $150

I offer customized lyrics for your song track and also provide support editing or enhancing your pre-written lyrics. I have been a songwriter and producer now for a little over 10 years and would love to support or collaborate with other musicians.

  • Hip Hop
  • Funk
  • R&B
  • Rap
  • House

Glass Half Empty by Zazpacho

  • Glass Half Empty by Zazpacho
  • A Breakthrough is About to Come by Zazpacho
  • Do People Really Know what they Want or are we all Just Pretending by Zazpacho
  • She Said by Zazpacho

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