Professional songwriter, topliner and vocalist for $120

In Songwriters By Jazmin H

Professional songwriter, topliner and vocalist for $120

Hello fellow Artist!

I am a recording singer-songwriter, musician, composer and topliner.

I have recorded, composed and produced +80 songs freelance in Fiverr. Also, I have +70 songs of my own.

I love writing songs and composing melodies, and I am passionate about leaving a beautiful message. I have written love songs, anniversary songs, wedding songs, birthday songs and more. Sometimes the. best gift you can give to someone is a personalized song, and I have had the most amazing time writing those songs.

I’d absolutely love to be involved in your project, I think the best thing that we can do as artists is to send powerful messages through songs :)

Services I offer:
- Songwriter
- Topliner
- Singer and Vocalist
- Genres: Pop, Ballads, Rock, Indie, R&B, Blues and Musical Theatre.

- Logic Pro X
- Interface: Focusrite 2i2
- Mic: Rode NT1 5th gen
- Electric, acoustic, classic guitar, Yamaha keyboard

- $300 includes: topline + lyrics + 3 main takes + 1 harmony take + 1 adlibs take
- $200 includes: topline + lyrics + 2 main takes + 1 adlibs take
- $150 includes: topline + lyrics + 1 main take + 1 adlibs take

I can't wait to write songs with you!


Anniversary custom song composed, produced, recorded and written by me
  • "LOVE"
  • "Weird"
  • Health Campaign Song
  • "Desires"
  • Anniversary Custom Song

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