I will write lyrics with melody idea for you for $25

In Songwriters 100% Guarantee By Shivan

I will write lyrics with melody idea for you for $25

Bring your musical ideas to life with our personalized lyric and melody service! Whether you have a fully-formed vision or just a spark of inspiration, I’m here to transform your creative concepts into a song that you’ll truly love.

Our process starts with understanding your unique vision. Share the mood you want to convey, whether it’s upbeat and energetic, reflective and melancholic, or anything in between. Describe the theme or message of the song—whether it’s about love, personal growth, overcoming challenges, or a narrative you’re passionate about. The more detail you provide, the better we can tailor the lyrics and melody to match your vision.

  • Pop
  • EDM
  • Folk
  • Country
  • R&B

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